09 November 2009

Wayne Salmon & the Top 10 Links of the Week

Photographer: Wayne Salmon, Untitled 

THIS WEEK: The benefits of gallery representation, leveraging your blog to promote your services, 102 small business marketing questions for people who don't speak "marketing," and more....

1.  Foo Fighters, Neil Diamond, and How to Keep Your Inspiration Flowing
The other night I was driving home from my other, non-jewelry job and I stumbled upon Jack Black interviewing the Foo Fighters. I only listened to 15 min worth (I had to walk the dog when I got home) and even though 1/2 that time was spent listening to “Wheels” and “My Hero” (two songs I like) the part I did hear really struck home....
by Wendy Edsall-Kerwin | Hammermarks | READ ENTIRE POST

2.  A Quick Story About Telling Your Story
Remember how I’ve been telling you that you need to tell stories to get people to buy your work? Remember I said that YOU are the product. It happened to me this morning when I needed to hire a plumber....
by Rick DiBasio | The Affluent Artist: The Blog | READ ENTIRE POST

3.  When You Feel Like You Just Don't Measure Up
Being part of this incredible community of creative people, you're bound to find inspiration at every turn and people that you come to admire. Most often, that's a good thing, but there are inevitably some times when having all those amazing people directly surrounding you might start to make you feel like you don't quite measure up....
by Modish Biz Tips | READ ENTIRE POST

Photographer: Wayne Salmon, Champ

4.  The Benefits of Gallery Representation
Last week, a small group of artist friends were sharing ideas about art marketing over dinner. One full time artist, who has both worked with galleries and sold on his own, asked another artist why he was seeking out gallery representation when artists today can sell just as easily on their own while avoiding paying the 50% commission to a gallery....
by Lori Woodward Simons | Fine Art Views | READ ENTIRE POST

5.  101+1 Small Business Marketing Questions For People Who Don’t Speak Marketing
How To Use This List: Pick 25-50 questions. Answer them as honestly and expansively as you can. Follow your intuition. Trust the answers to lead you to make the right decisions. Come back in three months and do it again, with the same or different questions. Do that and you’ll have a better marketing plan than anybody I know. Including me....
by Naomi Dunford | IttyBiz | READ ENTIRE POST

6.  Blogging Template for Photographers
Blogging is a great way to share your images. Unfortunately, many photographers do not like to write. Images alone are not enough....
by Rosh Sillars | New Media Photographer | READ ENTIRE POST

7.  10 Facebook Fan Page Tips for Creative Entrepreneurs
About a month ago I finally created a Fan Page for Kabai33 on Facebook.... During the process I learned some things I would like to share, as I know that some of you will find this information useful....
by Yamile Yemoonyah | Kabai 33's Creative Web Biz | READ ENTIRE POST

Photographer: Wayne Salmon, Original Rude Boy

8.  Leveraging Your Blog to Promote Your Services
If you’re like many creative freelancers, you have a blog. And being the diligent type that you are, it’s updated at least once a week. But here’s the bad news: There are a lot of other blogs out there. Which means that you’ll have to work hard to make yours stand out.... They beg the question, what should you be hard at work on? Here are six suggestions....
by Martha Retallick | Freelance Switch | READ ENTIRE POST

9.  10 Easy SEO Tips for Bloggers
So here are some simple SEO tips you can use without having to leave your own blog. And remember: even though it’s good to put yourself out there and be an active participant in the blogosphere at large, your blog’s content (quality, quantity, and relevancy) truly is the main factor when it comes to getting traffic to your blog....
by Diana Freedman | U Stand Out Social Media | READ ENTIRE POST

10. How to Monitor Your Social Media Presence in 10 Minutes a Day
Monitoring your business' social media presence is incredibly important. You need to respond to people talking about your brand and understand how people view your company. However, a common concern is that it takes up too much time....
by Rebecca Corliss | HubSpot Blog | READ ENTIRE POST

PHOTOGRAPHY by Wayne Salmon (Toronto, Ontario)
Want more info on this artist? Please visit his Web site: WayneSalmon.net
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